Transform 2022

Thank you to all who joined us at C3 Transform 2022

C3 Transform is the world’s premier enterprise AI conference. This year’s event was an intimate, invitation-only gathering focused on successfully driving digital transformation with speed and at scale. C3 AI customers and partners came together to hear from global business leaders and C3 AI experts on using enterprise AI software to succeed and thrive in the digital era.

This year’s conference focused on three core themes:

  • C3 AI Version 8 release, showcasing advanced developments in enterprise AI.
  • Advanced research in AI for cybersecurity and securing critical infrastructure.
  • Thought leadership in successfully leveraging AI in the enterprise of the future.

At Transform 2022, C3 AI customers shared their digital transformation stories, learned more about the latest C3 AI product roadmaps, networked with peers and partners across our ecosystem, and actively engaged with C3 AI leadership.

C3 Transform 2022 Keynote Videos

The Digital Journey

Tom Siebel, CEO, C3 AI

C3 AI Product Update and Roadmap

Houman Behzadi, President and Chief Product Officer, C3 AI

AI and National Security

Hon. Condoleezza Rice, 66th U.S. Secretary of State

Reinventing Business – The Impact of AI

Jim Snabe, ex-Chief Executive Officer, SAP, and Chairman, Siemens

Transforming Shell with Enterprise AI

Dan Jeavons, Vice President, Computational Science and Digital Innovation, Shell

Imbalances and the Balance of Power: The Race for AI Superiority

Garry Kasparov, World Chess Champion and Chairman, Human Rights Foundation

C3 AI – Reinventing CRM

Tom Siebel, CEO, C3 AI

Managing in the Age of AI

Dr. Pedro Domingos, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

The Digital Transformation of LyondellBasell

Anup Sharma, SVP, Global Business Services, LyondellBasell

Reinventing Enterprise Applications with AI

Thomas Kurian, Chief Executive Officer, Google Cloud

Enterprise AI, Today and Tomorrow

Mike Gualtieri, Vice President and Principal Analyst, Forrester

Transforming Supply Chains with Enterprise AI

Mark Ratcliffe, VP Global Supply Chain Planning, Cargill Incorporated

AI for Industrial Asset Management

Judit Prieto, VP Industrial Asset Management, Baker Hughes


Day 1

Wednesday, March 23

8:30 am – ERC II Ballroom

The Digital Journey

Tom Siebel, CEO, C3 AI

9:30 am – ERC II Ballroom

Reinventing Business - The Impact of AI

Jim Snabe, ex-Chief Executive Officer, SAP, and Chairman, Siemens and Maersk

10:15 am – ERC II Ballroom

Transforming Shell with Enterprise AI

Dan Jeavons, Vice President, Computational Science and Digital Innovation, Shell

10:45 am – ERC II Ballroom

C3 AI Product Update and Roadmap

Houman Behzadi, President and Chief Product Officer, C3 AI

1:00 pm – ERC II Ballroom

AI and National Security

Hon. Condoleezza Rice, 66th U.S. Secretary of State



1:45 pm – ERC II Ballroom

Imbalances and the Balance of Power: The Race for AI Superiority

Garry Kasparov, World Chess Champion and Chairman, Human Rights Foundation

2:30 pm – ERC II Ballroom

Enterprise AI for Banking

3:15 pm – Product Breakout Rooms

Product Breakout Sessions

- Supercharge your CRM

- C3 AI Ex Machina: No-Code AI Anyone Can Use

- C3 AI Defense Applications

- Accelerate Enterprise AI with Google Cloud

4:00 pm – Breakout Rooms

Product Breakout Sessions

- Supercharge your ERP

- C3 AI Suite V8.0


Day 2

Thursday, March 24

8:30 am – ERC II Ballroom

C3 AI - Reinventing CRM

Tom Siebel, CEO, C3 AI

9:00 am – ERC II Ballroom

Managing in the Age of AI

Dr. Pedro Domingos, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

9:45 am – ERC II Ballroom

The Digital Transformation of LyondellBasell

Anup Sharma, SVP, Global Business Services, LyondellBasell

10:30 am – ERC II Ballroom

Reinventing Enterprise Applications with AI

Thomas Kurian, Chief Executive Officer, Google Cloud

Ed Abbo, President and Chief Technology Officer, C3 AI

11:00 am – ERC II Ballroom

Enterprise AI, Today and Tomorrow

Mike Gualtieri, Vice President and Principal Analyst, Forrester

11:30 am – ERC I

Transforming Supply Chains with Enterprise AI

Mark Ratcliffe, VP Global Supply Chain Planning, Cargill Incorporated



1:00 pm – ERC I

AI for Industrial Asset Management

Judit Prieto, VP Industrial Asset Management, Baker Hughes

Ed Abbo, President and CTO, C3 AI

1:30 pm – Breakout Rooms

Industry Breakout Sessions

- Supply Chain Optimization - Philips

- ESG and Energy Management - ENGIE

- Digital Transformation of Financial Services - SWIFT

2:15 pm – Breakout Rooms

Industry Breakout Sessions

- Defense & Intelligence - U.S. Missle Defense Agency

- Industrial Automation - Koch Industries

- Inventory Optimization & Sourcing - Baker Hughes

3:15 pm – Breakout Rooms

Breakout Sessions

- Data Science on C3 AI

- Running a Center of Excellence

- C3 AI Data Vision

4:00 pm – ERC II Ballroom

Bringing It All Together

Ed Abbo

President and Chief Technology Officer,

Anup Sharma

SVP, Global Business Services,

Daniel Jeavons

Vice President, Computational Science and Digital Innovation,

Houman Behzadi

President and Chief Product Officer,

Judit Prieto

VP Industrial Asset Management,
Baker Hughes

Mark Ratcliffe

VP Global Supply Chain Planning,
Cargill Incorporated

Mike Gualtieri

Vice President and Principal Analyst,