Defense and civilian agencies can rapidly address their priority goals such as accelerating decision making, reducing maintenance and logistics backlogs, and unify data across sources for easier collaboration by using the C3 AI Platform and applications. These technologies integrate previously siloed data and generate AI-based predictive insights at scale to transform existing operations.
Built with a model-driven architecture, the C3 AI Platform helps agencies develop enterprise AI applications 25 times faster than alternative methods, with 95% less code to write, test, and maintain. All C3 AI products have met the most stringent security compliance requirements and are cleared for operation in U.S. Department of Defense Impact Level (IL) 2, 4, 5, and 6 environments. Each C3 AI application has been proven at-scale and provides a way to rapidly deliver substantial value to your stakeholders.
Reduce Unplanned Downtime
Accelerate Decision Making
Surface Hidden Insights
Produce Accurate Property Appraisals
Enhance Public Safety
Industry Problem
Equipment unavailability is a major deterrent to the smooth functioning of any agency. Whether it is a B-2 bomber, a CT machine, or an excavator, failed equipment can bring operations to a stand-still and lead to expensive emergency repairs. Time-based maintenance programs often lead to unnecessary downtime and rules-based monitoring systems often generate too many false alerts. Even when failure is detected and diagnosed, equipment can be rendered nonoperational for a long period of time because of parts unavailability. The problems are compounded when there are hundreds or thousands of field-deployed assets to manage and their failure risks to be prioritized and mitigated.
C3 AI Solutions
Industry Problem
Fraud and economic crime rates are at record highs and continue to be a significant issue for all government bodies. Agencies ranging from law enforcement, public finance, or public health are dealing with a myriad of fraud, waste, and abuse issues. But many of the issues across these agencies are similar – data fragmented across multiple silos, inadequate resources to investigate all the cases, costly and lengthy investigation processes, and coordination issues across investigative teams.
C3 AI Solutions
Industry Problem
Enforcement actions and penalties for non-compliance with AML regulations are on the rise. Despite this, it is estimated that only 1% of money-laundering activities are ever detected. Bad actors are employing an increasingly diverse and sophisticated set of strategies to avoid the rules-based systems used by most compliance departments in banks and financial organizations. These rules-based AML systems create a slew of cases, many of them false alerts. Compliance officers spend extensive time and resources chasing down legal transactions, while many money laundering cases go undetected.
C3 AI Solutions
Industry Problem
Disruptive behavior in the workplace is a frustrating problem facing government agencies today. Every year, millions of people are victims of violence, harassment, intimidation, discrimination, and other disruptive behavior in the workplace. While more information is available today, the data is siloed in fragmented systems and hard to use in advanced analytics. At the same time, cases are difficult to prioritize, and the case review process can often get bogged down.
C3 AI Solutions
Industry Problem
Intelligence, security, and crime prevention agencies struggle to sift through massive amounts of data to find timely insights. This becomes harder as bad actors often employ sophisticated techniques to cover their tracks and agencies end up wasting inordinate time and resources on false alerts and low priority cases. Agencies usually get an incomplete picture with intermittent data and have to make recommendations based partly on data and largely on intuition. Moreover, collaboration gets harder in the absence of a common platform for data exploration and visualization.
C3 AI Solutions
Industry Problem
Many government agencies need to react to a dynamic and rapidly changing situation. Whether it is a battlefield scenario, a natural disaster, or a security crisis, government agencies have to synthesize a flood of incoming data and take timely decisions. Agencies are often hampered by unreliable data, disparate and disconnected source systems, lengthy data synthesis processes, and poor collaboration capabilities, especially across agency boundaries.
C3 AI Solutions
In addition to the pre-built SaaS applications offered by C3 AI, governmental agencies can also license the C3 AI Platform to build their own custom applications.
The C3 AI Platform is designed to streamline the development, deployment, and operation of AI applications that address agency-specific use cases. It offers a cohesive, low-code/no-code development environment with a complete and comprehensive set of tools and services to unify enterprise and extraprise data, build and deploy AI/ML models, and rapidly develop custom applications.
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