What is Enterprise AI?


Conclusion: A Tested, Proven AI Platform

The model-driven approach to developing enterprise AI and IoT applications using the C3 AI Platform has been tested and proven in dozens of large-scale, real-world deployments at some of the world’s largest organizations, including Royal Dutch Shell, 3M, and the US Air Force. The C3 AI Platform provides a uniquely powerful platform enabling these and other leading organizations to develop and operate enterprise AI and IoT applications at scale, with a fraction of the effort and resources required by other approaches. Applications built with the C3 AI Platform are flexible, easily upgraded, and can be ported across different cloud platforms with little or no modification, providing a solution that future-proofs customers’ investment in enterprise AI and IoT application development.

Figure 10

C3 AI Platform: A Comprehensive AI and IoT Development Platform

The C3 AI Platform provides a complete and comprehensive set of tools and services necessary for developing and deploying AI and IoT applications at enterprise scale.

C3 AI Platform